PerfectPro X Size 3 Filters

PerfectPro X Size 3 Filters use Advanced Microfiber Filtration (AMF) with 10x thinner fibers to create an almost impenetrable barrier for pollution particles with less resistance than typical HVAC filters.

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Powerful Protection Against



Particle Pollutants

Learn How the PerfectPro Helped Olympic Cyclist

PerfectPro X Size 3 Filters Technical Specifications
  • Technical Specifications
  • Purpose
  • use Advanced Microfiber Filtration (AMF) with 10x thinner fibers to create an almost impenetrable barrier for pollution particles with less resistance than typical HVAC filters.

¹ In independent laboratory testing, the PerfectPro series of filters achieved a 99.9% reduction of airborne influenza A.

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