AirVisual platform phone computer and pro
AirVisual app
Breakdown of AirVisual platform features
Breakdown of AirVisual platform features
AirVisual App on phones
AirVisual App on phones

Want the big picture of air pollution?

We have an app for that. 

Hand holding phone with AirVisual app and AVP
Hand holding phone with AirVisual app and AVP

IQAir AirVisual Enterprise Dashboard

#1 large-scale air quality monitoring solution

#1 large-scale air quality monitoring solution

IQAir App

IQAir Dashboard Free IQAir Dashboard


Free for all Contributors
(if all devices are public, Dashboard is free)

Device management
Real-time device status and AQI
Real-time detailed pollutant measurement
Historic AQI and historic pollutant measurement/ historical charts (hourly/ Daily/ Monthly)
Device status (Internet connection, battery status etc.)
ContenShare code for following devicest
View of devices on a global map
Device settings (view and editing)
Bulk settings X X
Sorting out & Filtering devices X X
Export device list X X
Purifier control features (calendar, remote sensor control)
Organizational tools
Location grouping X X
Group devices into different organizations (aka Workspace in Unified Dashboard) X X
Create workspaces under the account X X
Add/remove members to an organization X X
Assign device to another account /organization X X
Group management
Group devices to get average data X X
Email alerts when a device gets offline X X
Email alerts when data reaches a set threshold X X
Data publication
Publication as station (outdoor)
Web widgets for data from My devices X X
Web widgets for data from City/ Station X
Full screen view of a monitor's data X X
Data export/API
My device's API X X
My public station's API * X
Download historical aggregated hourly data of devices X X
Download historical raw data of devices (every measurement this monitor has taken)* X
Download my public station's validated data * X
* This is a feature available for the contributors who own public stations.
IQAir App


Device management
Real-time device status and AQI
Real-time detailed pollutant measurement
Historic AQI and historic pollutant measurement/ historical charts (hourly/ Daily/ Monthly)
Device status (Internet connection, battery status etc.)
ContenShare code for following devicest
View of devices on a global map
Device settings (view and editing)
Bulk settings X
Sorting out & Filtering devices X
Export device list X
Purifier control features (calendar, remote sensor control)
Organizational tools
Location grouping X
Group devices into different organizations (aka Workspace in Unified Dashboard) X
Create workspaces under the account X
Add/remove members to an organization X
Assign device to another account /organization X
Group management
Group devices to get average data X
Email alerts when a device gets offline X
Email alerts when data reaches a set threshold X
Data publication
Publication as station (outdoor)
Web widgets for data from My devices X
Web widgets for data from City/ Station X
Full screen view of a monitor's data X
Data export/API
My device's API X
My public station's API * X
Download historical aggregated hourly data of devices X
Download historical raw data of devices (every measurement this monitor has taken)* X
Download my public station's validated data * X
IQAir Dashboard Free

Free for all Contributors
(if all devices are public, Dashboard is free)

Device management
Real-time device status and AQI
Real-time detailed pollutant measurement
Historic AQI and historic pollutant measurement/ historical charts (hourly/ Daily/ Monthly)
Device status (Internet connection, battery status etc.)
ContenShare code for following devicest
View of devices on a global map
Device settings (view and editing)
Bulk settings X
Sorting out & Filtering devices X
Export device list X
Purifier control features (calendar, remote sensor control)
Organizational tools
Location grouping X
Group devices into different organizations (aka Workspace in Unified Dashboard) X
Create workspaces under the account X
Add/remove members to an organization X
Assign device to another account /organization X
Group management
Group devices to get average data X
Email alerts when a device gets offline X
Email alerts when data reaches a set threshold X
Data publication
Publication as station (outdoor)
Web widgets for data from My devices X
Web widgets for data from City/ Station
Full screen view of a monitor's data X
Data export/API
My device's API X
My public station's API *
Download historical aggregated hourly data of devices X
Download historical raw data of devices (every measurement this monitor has taken)*
Download my public station's validated data *
IQAir Dashboard
Device management
Real-time device status and AQI
Real-time detailed pollutant measurement
Historic AQI and historic pollutant measurement/ historical charts (hourly/ Daily/ Monthly)
Device status (Internet connection, battery status etc.)
ContenShare code for following devicest
View of devices on a global map
Device settings (view and editing)
Bulk settings
Sorting out & Filtering devices
Export device list
Purifier control features (calendar, remote sensor control)
Organizational tools
Location grouping
Group devices into different organizations (aka Workspace in Unified Dashboard)
Create workspaces under the account
Add/remove members to an organization
Assign device to another account /organization
Group management
Group devices to get average data
Email alerts when a device gets offline
Email alerts when data reaches a set threshold
Data publication
Publication as station (outdoor)
Web widgets for data from My devices
Web widgets for data from City/ Station
Full screen view of a monitor's data
Data export/API
My device's API
My public station's API *
Download historical aggregated hourly data of devices
Download historical raw data of devices (every measurement this monitor has taken)*
Download my public station's validated data *
* This is a feature available for the contributors who own public stations.
city over lake
city on lake

Achieve your air quality monitoring goals

The power, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness of AirVisual Enterprise Dashboard help streamline your Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) network deployment.

AirVisual Enterprise Dashboard is fully scalable and tailored to fit your air quality needs.
Here are just a few organizations that can benefit from the leading air quality monitoring solution.

UNEP logo
UNEP logo
AirVisual widget configurations
AirVisual widget configurations
Children running on beach
Children running on beach
World AQI ranking
World AQI ranking

